Smoking a cigar was harmful to Little Benny. It had a deadly spirit. When he gave up smoking cigars, he thought he had won a hard battle. Little Benny was addicted to smoking cigars, and it was no good for his lungs. The deadly spirit (spirit of sickness and death from Satan) was angry that Little Benny was able to overcome smoking.
There are evil spirits in this life that we can not see. There are good spirits and bad spirits.
The Bible mentions demons (Mark 5:1-12) and angels (Matthew 13:41). They are around although you may not see them. They are mentioned all through the Bible.
When Little Benny overcame his cigar smoking through the help of the Lord, the deadly spirit that was in his cigar grew angry and took on a form of a man. His name is Cigar and he is a demon and Anti-Christ misleading children. He is Little Benny's enemy.